Thomas Penn
Thomas Penn
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Would Steve Jobs be proud of Vision Pro?
What do you think?
Переглядів: 19 143



  • @emily0224
    @emily0224 2 місяці тому

    PLEASE can someone tell what was the song in the background its so perfect

  • @isaacddestroy3674
    @isaacddestroy3674 3 місяці тому

    I appreciate that rather than simply ranting about your own views for 20 minutes, you simply presented the facts, and left it up to interpretation. Here are his thoughts at the dawn of their own, rudimentary technology, truly compared to now, none of that stuff is worth a damn. But only by taking those steps in the beginning are we able to arrive here.

    • @isaacddestroy3674
      @isaacddestroy3674 3 місяці тому

      I personally do think it’s something he would approve of, but he would absolutely look at it as more of a iPod to our present day iPhone. It’s the beginning of the beginning, and the future will go on any glasses. Ray-Bans, Walmart Glasses, Gucci, Etc. Technology will all at once be completely accessible at a moments notice, but at the very least in Apple’s camp, it will also be completely out of the way. Out of the way, in a way it hasn’t been since before the television. It’s there when you want it, and yet completely absent from your life when you don’t. No need for TV’s, computer monitors, big bulky PC’s and TV boxes and sticks. Your friends can see it, you can all hear it, interact with it and work at it together. It’s all right there, it lasts all day, you can put it all away in one fell swoop, with the flick of a wrist it’s all back.

  • @FedericoBolanos
    @FedericoBolanos 3 місяці тому

    This is so simple, so great.

  • @Gwosts
    @Gwosts 3 місяці тому

    The fact I have over 800 videos and your channel is already doing better than mine ahhhhhhhhh

  • @tyler361t2
    @tyler361t2 3 місяці тому

    7:18 what does he mean by slash and burn

  • @dogewasfound
    @dogewasfound 3 місяці тому

    i don't think he would be proud of what apple has become but he might be proud of some of the technology in it

  • @hblaub
    @hblaub 3 місяці тому

    Steve Jobs, the guy who created the iPod, because his daughter wanted to hear music, clearly would have created some shit which is not usable and way too expensive. I mean, listen to him actually reducing the huge product line of Apple because he himself did not understand why someone would buy an Apple IIgs expansion modem card or whatever. He did less, but with great care. He filtered a lot of shitty ideas and created the image of premium. Not like Tim Apple, who does do shit and sell a watch which is golden and like 22.000,- or now this very alpha headset for 3.500,- ...

  • @luckylanno
    @luckylanno 3 місяці тому

    If you gave someone that had never used a computer before a Vision vs. anything else; I am 100% sure they would find the Vision more intuitive and enjoyable.

  • @nilo_river
    @nilo_river 3 місяці тому

    Without a doubt he would not have been excited about this product, but perhaps he would have been forced by the will of investors. Apple hasn't been innovating for many years and this product won't change that, just look at how much they are appealing to UA-camrs to review the product in a clearly rigged game.

  • @dougbackman7788
    @dougbackman7788 3 місяці тому

    He would have had a big cry, just like with the original iMac and the CD drive tray, which version 2 replaced with the slot feed. But it still would be released. Let's not forget the advances between the first iPhone and iPhone 5, same with the first Apple Watch and Apple Watch series 3.

  • @megatronskneecap
    @megatronskneecap 3 місяці тому

    I don't think he would've been proud of it at all. The thing runs hot, looks horrible, has an external battery pack and isn't even that interesting.

  • @nyambe
    @nyambe 3 місяці тому

    Steve Jobs was a dreamer, but Tim Cook is a maker. Tim Cook has taken a dream well beyond any dreamer could. Airpod, AppleWatch, Apple Silicon are absolute liders in their field. Vision Pro will also get there. Yes, he would be more than proud.

  • @Ah__ah__ah__ah.
    @Ah__ah__ah__ah. 4 місяці тому

    I think Steve would love it however demand it be a pair of glasses or something more seamless

  • @diguifi0fficial
    @diguifi0fficial 4 місяці тому

    my guy casually has only one video in his channel and it happens to be a masterpiece 👏👏

  • @alwaysyouramanda
    @alwaysyouramanda 4 місяці тому

    That thing is apple dipping its toes with the intent to pull out and prepare further.

  • @tomcav
    @tomcav 4 місяці тому

    Well done sir. I love how you didn’t give your own take on this. Just let the archive footage ride and we make up our minds on the topic

  • @lunaletuna
    @lunaletuna 4 місяці тому

    He'd hate apple now. The locked down nature of them where programmers can't do anything with their devices, the frustrated artists and their applications having constant issues, the loose ends. the vision pro does do things, but my phone can do a lot of the same things; my laptop does a lot of what it struggles to do. now with the vision pro, it's just to early; it tries to be all these devices. Maybe once they turn it to glasses, then some neon genesis evangelion of combining everything to one. maybe he'll like it. but now he'd probably wait

  • @RomainIvanStackler
    @RomainIvanStackler 4 місяці тому

    thank you,

  • @80sSynthwaves
    @80sSynthwaves 4 місяці тому

    I think Steve Jobs will be turning in his grave to what Apple has become. apple was innovative but now longer do that it's just pure money making now look at the modern iPhone it's really no different to the other phones just with a higher Price Tag how apple has Fallen once Steve died

  • @kloakovalimonada
    @kloakovalimonada 4 місяці тому

    It's the most anti-Steve Jobs product they've ever released. A ridiculously overengineered device that solves no apparent problems, and has no killer use case. I think he'd flip his shit at the sight of the monstrous FaceTime avatars. Like he'd really have a fit and fire someone. Cool tech demo though.

  • @krazyyyduniya
    @krazyyyduniya 4 місяці тому

    Nothing new in this video... Friggin clickbait !!

  • @MCKornbred
    @MCKornbred 4 місяці тому

    This was a beautifully made piece of content. I’m not sure Jobs would have appreciated the final design of the hardware (especially considering how the plastic layer is over the glass and so easily scratched…the external battery pack, how heavy it is, etc) but would have loved VisionOS. Apple needs to find another Jony Ive for sure.

  • @yanni2737
    @yanni2737 4 місяці тому

    Nope, Stece Jobs would have gone for a proper AR glasses product that would have been light, had an open field of view and would look cool to wear both indoors and outdoors. Instead we got a heavy over-engineered VR headset that does only AR with and has an external battery pack.

  • @bencebrown2258
    @bencebrown2258 4 місяці тому

    It very could have been his brain child. It was patented back in 2007

  • @lughscanlan
    @lughscanlan 4 місяці тому

    He would have probably have seen what it looks like and then yelled at everyone and then soaked his feet in the top tank of a toilet.

  • @Lingon_
    @Lingon_ 4 місяці тому

    he wouldn't, there is no "innovation" here, it's a package of outsourced tech

  • @stephencrescenti3387
    @stephencrescenti3387 4 місяці тому

    Great work on the video. Lots of great and forgotten clips. Looking this far back, you can see how focused he was on making experiences.

  • @robconcep644
    @robconcep644 4 місяці тому

    Can you afford it?

  • @manp1039
    @manp1039 4 місяці тому

    i think so.

  • @elphive42
    @elphive42 4 місяці тому

    I think he’d hate it because it doesn’t have a point. Think about the iPod - 1000 songs in your pocket. Think about the iPhone - a phone, an iPod, an Internet browser. What is the Vision Pro’s point? What is its killer app? What is its advantage worth 10 times the competitor’s price? I can’t give a good answer on any of those, from what I’ve seen.

    • @kloakovalimonada
      @kloakovalimonada 4 місяці тому


    • @MrMastrsushi
      @MrMastrsushi 3 місяці тому

      I guess a screen you can take with you and make as big as you want. But even then, the device is clunky and stupid looking just like everything else in VR. It reminds me of pre-iphone smartphones, just big, clunky, and stupid.

  • @saulsarmiento6964
    @saulsarmiento6964 4 місяці тому

    Thank you for this, I miss Steve Jobs, he was ahead of this time. Ultimately I believe Steve would say this is a good product, but not great.

  • @nicholassullivan1239
    @nicholassullivan1239 4 місяці тому

    Idk, Apple made tech cool. I don't see anything cool about this new Apple thingy. To clarify, it's cool tech, but it's not "cool."

  • @hanspuelinckx5602
    @hanspuelinckx5602 4 місяці тому

    Ask Wozniak..

  • @djtomoy
    @djtomoy 4 місяці тому

    No because it’s shit

  • @thelegendaryfk7922
    @thelegendaryfk7922 4 місяці тому

    I really doubt it. He literally says you build products that the customers need not build products first and then find customers for that product which the vision pro is looking for its customers right now.

  • @urfuneral36
    @urfuneral36 4 місяці тому

    Where the ipod was necessary for apple, its lifespan was extremely short. Would the vision pro fall into that category? Their were mp3 players on the market, the ipod was just better. Their are vr/ar headsets on the market, but the vision pro is just better. I believe the longevity for AVP is there. As an owner of one for a little more then a week, I and everyone that I've had try it love it too. Besides the obvious(the super clear displays), the intuitive eye traction partnered with the Apple OS that we all agree is the most intuitive easiest to navigate ui makes it the obvious next step for Apple. When it's affordable, it'll take over the world guaranteed. Until the creation of REAL comercially interactive holographic displays, the AVP is a very smart decision to take on. Props to Tim Cook.

  • @robconcep644
    @robconcep644 4 місяці тому

    I think that he would be angry at the price. He commented in the past that he never wanted to price Apple products where his customers could not afford it. I'm a life long Apple customer and I still can't believe that they set the price where they did. It's like Apple gave the middle finger to the major of it's customers including me.

    • @blackrockcity
      @blackrockcity 4 місяці тому

      It’s the same price that a PowerBook was in 1993 (post jobs era). And that isn’t including inflation. It’s also the most technologically advanced thing I have ever seen in the consumer market besides gps (which is probably built into vision pro) or Starlink. It might even be more advanced than Starlink which is a relatively simple problem compared to accommodating everyone’s eyesight requirements (interocular distance, diopters, etc. )

  • @davidstair9657
    @davidstair9657 4 місяці тому

    The goggles make the customer look like a frickin’ douche. This product might have been to most tone deaf move in history.

    • @Macbook3
      @Macbook3 4 місяці тому

      they look cool

  • @importon
    @importon 4 місяці тому

    that guy owes me damages to for colluding to suppress my wages as an animator. snake

  • @lddonovan
    @lddonovan 4 місяці тому

    I think the video speaks its clear language: he wouldn't be proud of the vision pro. -Decent marketing, sure. -GREAT tech and engineering, that's a fact. But when it comes to the product I'm convinced he never would have let it out in the market. He would have said no to a lot of things to focus it on being "a pair of headphones for your eyes". A portable mega screen which you could carry anywhere. Using your regular input devices, mouse and keyboard, to control it.

    • @edk1124
      @edk1124 4 місяці тому

      Using mouse and keyboard? That is not what Steve would have done. Steve said that he will start the pc blockbuster era, so he wiuld likely also use those hand and eye gestures as well, or maybe something more innovative. Also, it would be stupid to release headphones for eyes when the vr already exists. In my opinion, I think Tim Cook did a great job with this first generation. It does have it's problems, but even the Iphone 2g had problem with signal and lack of 3g connectivity.

  • @NocturnalAct
    @NocturnalAct 4 місяці тому

    The best youtube content I have seen in a while.

  • @gustavo-entrala
    @gustavo-entrala 4 місяці тому

    No. He wouldn’t have launched the Vision Pro in this version. I’m a hundred percent convinced about this.

    • @MikeLikesChannel
      @MikeLikesChannel 4 місяці тому

      Steve launched the first iPhone with only web apps for an entire year. Sooooo, don't be so sure of that one. He might have waited, but I'm not convinced.

    • @weinopolice
      @weinopolice 3 місяці тому

      @@MikeLikesChannel tons of people make this point, but it’s nowhere near comparable because of the categories iPhone was going into. Most everyone had a phone and an iPod. Many had smartphones. It took those existing categories, combined them, then did the core functions WAY bette than anyone. “The killer app is making calls.” It did the smartphone nice-to-haves better than anyone, too (browser, maps, photos app, email). On top of that, it added new stuff that no one really had on a phone, but wished they did (UA-cam app and widescreen video for example). Without having a full App Store, it did stuff people already needed and wanted and was super valuable and useful right out of the box, day 1. No one was crying out for apps. They were crying out for video recording lol. The uses were clear. Compare this to spatial computing/VR. Nowhere near as ubiquitous as music players or phones were. Most people have never even tried VR. After 1 year of sales, and on release of a second version, let’s see if this comparison holds up. My guess is it won’t. I’m not hater either. I’m a VR enthusiast and want an AVP.

    • @MikeLikesChannel
      @MikeLikesChannel 3 місяці тому

      @@weinopolice oh it’s going to remain a niche relative to iPhone and iPad volume. Frankly if they could move as many visions as they do watches 3-5 years in, that’s hugely successful. We won’t know until the vision has its “iPad 2” moment. Which hasn’t come yet. Buying first gen Apple means spending more, and having a shorter device lifespan than subsequent generations. There’s features on Vision Pro we’ll still see 10 years from now, and some that will disappear for the second gen never to return. I’m bullish on it though. My mom (67) was never going to try a meta quest 3. Her mind was blown when she went for her demo. That’s what Apple is counting on.

  • @inceptional
    @inceptional 4 місяці тому

    This is the part that Meta doesn't quite get yet, as it's not making its headsets as easy and intuitive to use as humanly possible but rather convoluted messes that require setting up various accounts, linking to phones that require their mobile apps, clunky cross use of their UI stuff, etc. Even just turning the thing on and getting in to use it for the first time is a total nightmare where you are basically locked out of even using your bought and paid for device until you jump through a whole bunch of unnecessary hoops, when it literally should be as simple as turn on, menu appears, use.

    • @hanspuelinckx5602
      @hanspuelinckx5602 4 місяці тому

      Absolutely right!🙏

    • @steveb9713
      @steveb9713 4 місяці тому

      Agreed, when you hear jobs think about the user and work backwards it’s clear meta has a different focus. I like the tech, I got a quest 2 mainly because of carmack, but the ux design is brutal. I feel like apple will end up setting the interface standard

  • @williamroukis584
    @williamroukis584 4 місяці тому

    “Technology in search of a customer”

  • @YouB3anz
    @YouB3anz 4 місяці тому

    sub num 168

  • @cesramm1120
    @cesramm1120 4 місяці тому

    the vision pro is everything he ever wanted

  • @Stone815
    @Stone815 4 місяці тому

    No. Tim Cook is about facilitating business but not innovation. He's just not an innovator and has been playing it safe with Apple's brand loyalty and just copying what other companies are doing. The fact that he didnt buy Tesla really cheap when he had a chance is all you need to know.

    • @MikeLikesChannel
      @MikeLikesChannel 4 місяці тому

      I'm not convinced Steve would have made that deal either. Elon is as arrogant and stubborn as Steve, and narcissists don't enjoy their own kind.

    • @Stone815
      @Stone815 4 місяці тому

      @@MikeLikesChannel once you buy a company you don't have to keep it's CEO around. So, not sure what you're getting at. The funny thing is Tesla will soon be a Trillion dollar company while Apple has been trying to make an electronic car for over a decade. Can't imagine how much has been spent on R&D. Probably more than they would have paid for Tesla.

    • @MikeLikesChannel
      @MikeLikesChannel 4 місяці тому

      Apple has no current plans to build an electric car at this time and spun off that project 5 years ago. Where ya been?@@Stone815

  • @inceptional
    @inceptional 4 місяці тому

    I think he would be mostly proud. I also think there's a few things he would have asked for more there.

  • @chri82s
    @chri82s 4 місяці тому


  • @laurinnintendo
    @laurinnintendo 4 місяці тому

    I don’t know Steve, but I am certainly not happy with it as an Apple fan. The vision pro is an unfinished product without a clear usecase: It fails in key functions (passthrough isn’t that good, fov is bad, it’s too heavy, battery life is bad, the tracking stops sometimes, personas are bad, the eye display in the front is terrible) and the only usecase at the moment are blown up iPad apps.

    • @thompsonnoel
      @thompsonnoel 4 місяці тому

      First generation Apple products have always presented a vision but haven't been fully realized models of that vision. It's always the second generation were Apple actually delivers. Except the watch, I will never understand the watch.

    • @laurinnintendo
      @laurinnintendo 4 місяці тому

      @@thompsonnoel Yes you're right but I can't really say yet if this is gonna be another watch or iPhone. The "vision" that they have presented until now is not much more than iPad apps projected onto a VR headset, most of the apps aren't even 3D. At that point I don't know if this is going to work, because computer monitors are always going to be cheaper and more comfortable to use. Imo they need to use the 3D space more so the "spacial computing" part really becomes necessary. There should be as few "windows" as possible and instead apps should use 3D objects in your space that possibly even blend into your real surroundings and objects. But yeah, we'll have to wait for the next generation products and how Apple will flesh the ideas out more...